Tag: Blackboard

Tech Tip: Create a Blackboard Announcement


  Create a Blackboard Announcement On the Control Panel, go to Course Tools > Announcements. Select Create Announcement. Type a Subject, which appears as the title of the announcement on the Announcements page. Type your message. In the Web Announcements Options section, you can choose to restrict the announcement by date: If you choose Not… Read More

Blackboard Course Roles


Published:January 2023   Course roles control access to the content and tools within a course. Each user is assigned a role for each course in which they participate. As Course Directors and Instructors, you can set course roles when you enroll users in courses. You can also edit course roles after enrollment. Review the below… Read More

Blackboard: Copy Course Materials into an Existing Course           


Published:July 2022   Copying course materials into an existing course will add content to a course, but it won’t remove existing content.  You can only copy materials into a course if you have the role of instructor, teaching assistant (TA), or course builder. Copying materials using Original View Copying materials using Ultra View    

Blackboard Learn (Original View): Where Do I Start?


Published:June 2022   We’ve compiled some tips and basic steps for novice Blackboard Learn instructors who want to learn how to create content in a course. We want to help you with the high-level principles and processes involved when you build a course from the ground up. As you work through this topic, choose what… Read More

Downloading the Grade Center in Blackboard Learn


Published:May 2022   Blackboard Learn (Original View) allows you to download the whole Grade Center for a course, or selected columns, which can then be opened and worked on in a spreadsheet application such as Excel, and later re-uploaded into the Grade Center. The Grade Center is an interactive grading tool that allows instructors to… Read More

Blackboard Best Practice: Help Students Succeed


Published:March 2022   Welcome to March 2022! Can you believe the spring semester is halfway over (or close)? Now is an excellent time to evaluate whether students are on track to succeed in your course. Use Blackboard’s “Best Practices”, summarized below, to identify issues and provide an effective framework for success. Keep Students On TrackStudents… Read More

Blackboard Announcements


Published:January 2022   Consistent and effective communication is vital in all learning environments. There are various options available for synchronous and asynchronous communication, one valuable and available tool is Blackboard Announcements.  It allows instructors to post relevant information such as project due dates, course events, material changes, and more to a specific section within the… Read More

Online Learning


Last UpdatedApril 12, 2023 First PublishedApril 12, 2022   Online learning has been described as internet-based course(s) that occur synchronously (real-time) and/or asynchronously (not in real-time). During online courses, students and faculty engage in learning through the use of technology, e.g., Blackboard. Benefits of online learning include convenience (24/7 access), flexibility, student-centered learning, and expansion… Read More

Using Blackboard for Reflective Learning


Published:October 2022   What is reflective learning? Study.com defines it as a process of learning using conscious, intentional reflection. Reflective learning can involve observing and auditing the level of information comprehension while learning. An example of the use of reflective learning is of a student who reflects on which learning concepts she is having difficulty… Read More